Friday, September 24, 2010

Wk3 - Sketch Installation

Crysis Sketch Installation

To come, elevator that goes from bottom platform to top.

For the sketch installation I created stationary platforms that run throughout the whole structure (creating platforms like those found at a train station). Alongside this I also included walls to close the entire station area, and added a set of stairs towards the center to allow access to the second level.

The idea behind the installation is the relation it has to people and not only concentrating on how long they stay in a certain area, but how they travel throughout it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wk2 - S.W.O.T Analysis, 2 x 30 Second Videos and My Porosity Lens

S.W.O.T Analysis on chosen Flow Graph Nodes

Since The Porosity Lens is all about the peoples navigation through an environment, the flow graph nodes chosen are all AI nodes. The three specific ones are Entering a Vehicle, Walking to a TagPoint, and Driving a Vehicle. Without the help of tutorials and online resources, the discovery of these nodes would be close to impossible for me since I'm not very familiar with flow graph nodes on the Sandbox Editor. The tutorials I found helped me discover capabilities of the flow graph system, which is where the strength of these nodes came from.

Linking back to not knowing much about the flow graph system, I think that would probably be the biggest weakness. It limits me in discovering its capability to do things other then what is presented in tutorials, but does allow me to think a little more out of the square and combine tutorials together to create new actions. In saying this - although I do have a great weakness in creating these flow graphs, I do see it as a great opportunity for me to learn more about them and create different things throughout the experiment to help meet the requirements of the brief.

The reason I have chosen the nodes mentioned above, is because I see them as the most simplistic way of defining how a person navigates through an environment. Through the experience and practice of different flow graph nodes, I hope to develop these nodes into more complex ideas, and defining them in the context of The Porosity Lens.

Second Video Clip

The video above shows the second node chosen - an AI walking to a TagPoint in the game. To add a little more, I placed the target inside a village house, allowing the officer to walk up the stairs and into the house.

Third Video Clip

The video above shows an AI driving a vehicle along a certain path. The vehicle and AI were the same used in the first video - AI Entering Vehicle, with nodes added to the flow graph to make it drive.

My Porosity Lens

'A way to understand peoples navigation through and environment'
Through this description, my understanding of a Porosity Lens has somewhat increased. I understand now that it's the way in which people navigate through the environment around them - whether by land, sky or sea. I'm looking at focusing my Porosity Lens on land, using the interaction of people and their vehicles through AI nodes. The thought of creating a village similar to the one I created in Experiment1 is a thought to how the Porosity Lens is going to be laid out.

'Takes into account how long people spend at certain places'
I'm not yet sure what I'll be doing to link my Porosity Lens to this description. The idea in mind is to show how long people stay in houses, camp tents, petrol stations etc., and to show how they move from those areas into other places and how they go about doing so.

Description of The Porosity Lens taken from
by Russell Lowe.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wk1 - Flowgraph Nodes and 30 Second Clip

Three Flow Graph Nodes

Below are links to tutorials I found on different flow graph nodes.

AI - Entering a Vehicle

AI - Walking to TagPoint (inside Village)

AI - Driving Vehicle

First Video Clip - AI Entering a Vehicle

The video above shows an AI flow graph that allowed the players to enter a vehicle in the game. One was given the command to be the driver, one a gunner, and the other just to enter the vehicle.